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I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude for your invaluable support.

We decided to shift to a new management structure in an aim to improve our corporative value further. As Chairman, I am committed to contribute toward our business development, mainly through the development of new business domains and external collaboration. I sincerely hope that your support for us will continue in the future as well.

Chairman, Representative Director: Akio Hosono

My name is Naonori Hamada. I was appointed to succeed the former President who led I-O DATA for 41 years since its foundation. I am humbled by the heavy responsibilities of President.

I joined our company after having worked at a local credit cooperative, following graduation from senior high school. At that time, I had neither techniques nor knowledge in products, and learned everything from scratch.
I have been engaged in I-O DATA’s business in the Sales Department for 19 years and in the Customers Service Department for 6 years. Currently, I supervise the overall business as General Manager of Business Strategy Headquarters.
Over the past few years, we implemented various measures with the aim of establishing a corporate structure which is less affected by the external environment and will reverse the declining trends in sales. In this process, I reaffirmed my belief that business results represent the evaluation of the Company by all stakeholders including customers and business counterparties. I will devote myself to management with high ethical standards, so that the Company continues being a trusted and preferred enterprise through creation of products and services valuable to society.
With the aim of making another leap forward, we adopted the slogan “Create a world that no one has ever seen” in this fiscal year. Under this slogan, we will further emphasize promoting development of solutions, which range from small concerns that have been passed over to transmitting new values, to realize a prosperous society. We shall achieve this not by following trends, but by placing value on perspectives and aspirations unique to I-O DATA.

Under the new management structure, we will strive to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value. I would be grateful for your continued support in our future endeavors

President, Representative Director: Naonori Hamada


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