
Compliance, the strict adherence to law and respect for social standards, is a core policy of the management of I-O DATA. We put this policy to work through our code of conduct, the I-O DATA Action Charter, aiming to guide our operations through creative, socially conscious and fair management.



I-O DATA Action Charter

At I-O DATA, we shall treat this Action Charter as the foundation of our everyday business activities, striving to raise corporate value on the force of the creativity, social consciousness and fair management practices.

  • We shall never rest in the quest for higher customer satisfaction in all aspects of our business operations, while contributing to society through the supply of safe and expedient products and services.
  • We shall strictly abide by the laws and social standards, conducting all phases of our business endeavors as a responsible and contributing member of the international community.
  • We shall maintain clear and open lines of communication with all parties connected to our business, in the interest of fostering mutual growth and prosperity.
  • We shall forge and uphold a safe and people-friendly workplace, characterized by strong bonds of mutual respect between all employees.
  • We shall move aggressively as a custodian accountable for and devoted to preserving the precious global environment for future generations.

January 2005





  • 針對各項業務隨時顧及達到客戶“满意”之目的,提供便利、安全之產品與服務貢獻社會
  • 身為國際社會之一員,遵守法律及社會規範,堅持公平合理的執行業務
  • 加强與公司相關業者間之交流,以共同發展為目標
  • 員工相互尊重,構築安全、舒適之工作環境

  • 為了下一代,將積極致力於地球環境之保護

January 2005



I-O DATA has the following in place to enforce basic policy and maintain a robust compliance system.

Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee is the central body for the implementation of the compliance system. It is responsible for formulating and maintaining the entire Company-wide compliance system.

Compliance Advisory Offices

To ensure the effectiveness of the compliance system, Compliance Advisory Offices are established both within and outside the Company, to advise employees on compliance issues.

Specific Code of Conduct

To give Action Charter practical effect, the Company has drafted and enforces the I-O DATA Code of Conduct, which provides specific guidelines for the conduct of employees.


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